Other great MD-80 simulators

We decided to restore a world unique. A simulator for the Douglas DC -9 based on 100 % of original spare parts. The construction of that kind of simulator cannot be measured in days, weeks or months. Hence we decided to create this website to monitor our efforts and give useful know- how to our offspring. We will try to capture every moment, every change and especially every movement from which we will have the abnormal pleasure. We believe that not only aviation enthusiasts will admire this function unique for many decades.


The MD-80 cockpit Project is for all who just not can see the point to only use a simple yoke and the mouse/Keyboard to control the planes in the simulator world, and who want to build their own hardware to take the experience to a higher level...

You don't have to come from/live in Denmark or speak danish to be a member of this site.. All nations are more than welcome to share their knowledge to this project.


Make your dream come true!

You are the pilot today!
If flying has always been your dream, you can now sit at the controls of an airliner!
Our simulator reproduces the sensations of a real airplane, allowing you to simulate any condition, normal or emergency



Mobile MD-80 Project